Submit Your Work
Every member of the Drexel community is encouraged to submit their work to DIR. Curious about the editorial process? Click here to learn more about what happens to submissions before they are published. Submit your work in (.docx) format to We ask that you remove all identifying information from the document itself. Include your name, year, and major in the body text of the email. Keep in mind, when you submit your work to DIR, you are agreeing to have your sources vetted, your evidence fact-checked, and we may make small revisions to your work before publishing. Submiting work to DIR does not gauruntee that it will be published.
Please review the Terms of Submission and Submission Checklist below before submitting.
Terms of Submission
By submitting your work, you agree to the following:
My work is entirely my own; any outside information is cited and/or referenced
The information, statistics, and figures presented in my submission are accurate and factual
I agree to have my submission edited and formatted by the members of DIR
I understand that, by submitting my academic paper to DIR, my work will become freely accessible via the internet
My citations are formatted correctly according to MLA, APA, or Chicago citation format guidelines
I have familiarized myself with the DIR submission review process
Submission Checklist
The submission email is addressed to
The submission document is in (.docx) format
Your name and all identifying information has been removed from the submission document
The body text of the email includes your name, year, and major (faculty should include their name and title instead)
You have read through and agree to the Terms of Submission
Become a member of DIR
We are looking for new members! If you have questions about becoming one of the editors or publishers that maintain this website, please email